We are committed to providing each customer with exceptional service. Our refund policy is program-specific due to the varying nature of our programs.
Expert Creation Bootcamp:
Expert Creation Bootcamp offers a full money-back guarantee after two conditions are met: The client must attend the first day of the upcoming BootCamp in full. The client must then request their full refund and not attend the second day. The client will not under any circumstances receive a refund leading up to the event.
Expert Accelerator/Expert Elite/Expert Expansion:
There is a strict no refund policy on each of these three programs. This is due to the intensive level of coaching offered within these programs, alongside the exceptionally high standard of training within the modules. Each of these programs requires a phone call to enroll so we can qualify and ensure you are best suited for these coaching programs before you make a decision.
Aducated coaching Academy:
There is a 21-day full money-back guarantee within Aducated coaching Academy. The client must request a phone call with a member of the Watson Global Limited team to request a refund. The client must email info@gavin-watson.com within 21 days of their initial purchase to request the phonecall. Please note the email does not count as cancelation of your membership, it is a request for the phonecall only. 
Ad Value Academy / Insta Value Academy: 
We offer a generous 14-day money-back guarantee for customers who have purchased either Ad Value Academy or Insta Value Academy. Customers wishing to refund their purchase must email our support team via support@advalueacademy.com within 14 days of their purchase date. Refund requests raised through any other means cannot be actioned until raised through an email.
FOW + HTC Live Events & other online workshops: 
For our live events and workshops, unless stated otherwise, the 30-day refund policy applies, as long as notice of the refund is given at least 30 days prior to start date of the event/workshop. Sadly this means that tickets purchased within 30-days of the event cannot be refunded under any circumstance. We reserve the right to cancel and refund workshop attendees should we feel the workshop will not be right for them or their business. 
Please email info@gavin-watson.com for answers to queries.